While visiting a couple of my favorite blogs (and links to their favorite blogs) I stumbled upon the most amazing thing- blog give aways! Now while most of these bloggers are American and are making their give aways available only to US citizens (and with postal prices I can't say I blame them!) some are international as well and I have/will be putting my name in on a few choice items.
So I thought about what I possibly have to give away. I always try to have "gifts" on hand because you never know when you will need something. And now happens to be one of those times it seems. I am going to make this give away available to any Canadian or American address. Please leave me a comment with your email that I can use to contact you if you are the winner. I will be selecting a winner at random on Saturday, February 2nd after 6 PM PST. I will contact the winner via email (and/or their blog- if you have one!). If I have not heard back from the winner within one week (by February 9th) I will choose another winner.
My offering:

I have this wonderful copy of Shoofly Pie (book and cd in a carrying case) from Do-Re-Me & You and Discovery Toys. My son has a copy that is already well worn (well the book anyway) and while there is a copy of a recipe for shoofly pie I am embarrassed to admit it is not one I have tried!
Good Luck!
Hiya! I have never heard of shoofly pie...looks cute! Count me in!
excited about the giveaways =)
I’d love a chance to win! Thanks! Dawn :)
(contact info - dawn at kaiseralex.com)
Awesome contest!!!
i'd like to be entered. thanks
Can I enter my sister since we don't live in the US or Canada right now? She just had a baby boy in December. Email me if she wins and I will give you her mailing address - she lives in California.
I love children's books almost as much as adult ones! Your prize book is adorable and comes with a CD! How fun. Thanks for sponsoring such a great giveaway.....Cindi
looks adorable!
We would definitely enjoy this around here!!! Thanks for a great giveaway. Please enter me!
This looks like a fun book. My daughter would enjoy it I am sure.
My kiddos love books! Looks like fun!
books are always good! Count me in!
Aww, my three (soon to be four) kiddos would love this I'm sure!!
Always looking for a great new book...
Sounds like a great book!
THis ounds so neat. I have 3 year old twins who would love this!
My son would love this and I might actually try the recipe!
It looks like a cute book, I'd love to read it with my daughter.
oooh shoofly pie is good! Sounds like a fun book and cd!
Count me in please.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away. Don't miss the daily edition of contests galore that I post on my blog.
Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings
email is in my profile or you can use the contact form on my blog
This looks like a good one. Pick me!
count me in please!!!
crazyaboutgus (at) gmail (dot) com
Very cute. Please sign me up.
such a cute read for me and my son!
Sounds cute! Love to win this one!!
What a cute book!
Count me in!
Looks cute!
Please pick me!
Wendy Clark
Looks like a fun book! My girls are voracious readers and we don't have this one, so I'm always excited to be able to read something new!
Looks like a fun book!
I have heard of shoofly pie, but I have never seen a recipe for it. This would make a great gift for my little nephew. I would love to be entered in your drawing.
michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com
Please enter me for your giveaway!
It sounds great!
Looks cute and fun. Count me in
amanda.funai at gmail
GREAT contest! I really want to win. :)
Count me in!
Thanks so much for participating!
This looks like an adorable book. My daughter would love!
We LOVE books in my house! Always in need of a new one!
Thanks for offering this awesome opportunity for the giveaway! You are very generous! Good luck to all!
My kids are starting to love being read to. Thanks for a fun giveaway!
Sounds great! My son loves to read. I'm sure he will enjoy this book!
Sounds cute! Thank you so much for doing this!
Please enter me!My children love books, and it looks like a really cute book! Thank you for offering such a nice prize. :)
How cute!
My little one looooves books. Thanks for the chance!
Thanks for the giveaway :)
Oh I always love a good children's book! Thanks for the chance to win!
thanks for the book offer!
great giveaway! please throw my name into the hat too! good luck everyone!
Sounds great - please enter me!
Please enter me!
I have giveaways on my blog too!
Ohhh looks great! Please enter me!
Sounds interesting - thanks for the giveaway!
Crossing my fingers!
Looks like a fun book! Enter me please:)
Looks like a book my kids would love!
Looks fun!
Please enter me! ernestsgirl82@aol.com
Cute book. I'd love to enter.
Count me in! Thanks!
i would LOVE this prize!!!
looks so fun!
What a really cute book! Count me in please and thank you for hosting this great giveaway :)
I love that book! The first graders at the school where I used to teach read it and they would walk down the halls singing the song! TOo cute! :)
Please count me in! I'd love to win the book for my son!
Great giveaway! Count me in.
Never heard of it but I'm sure my son would love it- count me in please!
Looks like a fun book!
Sign me up, please!
Sounds Great!! Please count me in. :) Thanks!
Cute book! Please enter me!
I'm sure my daughter would have fun with this one!
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
What on earth is shoofly pie? We'd (2 year old and I) would love to win and find out!
wiredwilsons AT gmail DOT com
cute book, thanks!
We love books at our house, and I'd love to win. My toddler would have a blast!
Connor would love to win your book! We love discovery toys too!
My son would love this..count me in.
how cool! My boys would love this! Thanks for sharing!!
How fun! My son would love this and I would probably try the recipe...I'm always on the lookout for new things to cook for my family. Please enter me! Thanks!
Enter me in your giveaway, please. Thank you!
Please enter me . katie_mmartin [at] yahoo (dot) com
I've always been impressed with everything Discovery Toys. Great quality & always fun & educational. Thanks for the chance to win this book/CD set! My kiddos would love it.
My grandpa used to sing to us about Shoofly pie...I'd love to win.
yes please, thank you. :)
oh...mousegirls (at) gmail (dot) com
We're always on the lookout for new children's books! Thanks for the chance to win! mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.
Please enter me.
I have been wanting to try some of their products! Thanks for such a generous give away!
awesome! please enter me. I would love to win!
Count me, glad you are playing along!
What a cute book and CD. Thank you for you having such a generous giveaway! I would LOVE to win!
My email is holladayfam(at)gmail(dot)com.
(Please email me if I win!)
Thanks again!
Do you sell Discovery Toys? I just started! This must be one that they discontinued because it's not currently offered. I would love to win it! Thanks!
Count me in! Thanks!
Thanks for the contest!
Fun! Please enter me. Thanks
Oh sounds like a fun book
christinas11 (at) msn (dot) com
looks like a cute book!! thanks!
My kids would love this!
This is so generous, thank you!
kpuleski at gmail dot com
This looks great! I bet my daughters would love it.
I’d love to be entered. My Amazon wishlist is a mile long...lol
If you haven’t already entered my giveaway, I’m giving away two prizes: craft books & decorating books at my blog
if I win, I'll mmake the pie anf blog about it!
How fun! I would LOVE to read this to/with my daughter!
This sounds like so much fun.
taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com
Shoofly Pie looks adorable! I would love to win this for my youngest son. He would love it! Thanks for the great giveaway!!
I love children's books & don't have this one - please count me in for your draw.
Thank you!
Sounds cute. I'd love to win.
I'd love a chance to win! Thanks! ~ :)
count me in please
Looks like a book my son would love. Thanks!
I hope I win! volcano at gmail dot com
I would love to win this.
Thanks for the chance to win!
count me in!
I like Shoofly pie so we would enjoy reading this book.
SeekingHim@gmail dot com
My twins are crazy about music these days. Please count me in and thanks for the great giveaway.
Looks like a really cute book! Thanks for entering me.
What a cute book!
All 3 of my young grandchildren LOVE music and books. This would be a wonderful prize to win, thanks for the chance:)
Great giveaway! Would love to win!
My children would LOVE to have this book! Thank you so much for entering us in your drawing :) Very kind of you.
djcregue at wmis dot net
You can use a mail forwarding company to give yourself an american address. If the item is free, then all you have to do is pay for shipping. Companies like http://www.BongoUS.com will set you up with a US address so you can do things like this.
this would be awesome!
I would love to read this book with my kids. Thanks!
Count me in please!
the kids would love this!
My kids would adore this! meg.wilson@gmail.com
Can I enter please! thank you!
Cute book! I'll check it out with the girl, and if she's too old for it, I'll send it to my neice and nephew.
I'd love to win this!
Fun fun!!!
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
This would be great to win!
This would be wonderful to give to my daughter.
fun! Please enter me!
please enter me!
Looks like a Very cute book ....please enter me!!
cute and fun!
Looks really cute. Please enter me. Thanks!
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