It started over the weekend. Saturday it was a balmy -5C and there were next to no winds. It was lightly snowing and the snow was wet. Ryan and I went out in sweaters and fleece vests instead of our heavy jackets. By Sunday it had cooled considerably and the winds had picked up making cool windchills. I had us dressed in layers and Ryan was in his snowsuit and a blanket to cover his face for our weekly grocery trip. It continued to snow and the winds made it impossible to tell if it was still snowing or if it was just the fresh snow being blowed around. Many areas were drifted and low cars (especially those with out winter tires- not mine mind you) were getting stuck all over town. On Monday, the little guy I babysit and his parents had adventures as such trying to get here. They got stuck at corners, they got stuck at the gas station, it was one of those days where you wish you could stay in bed with the covers pulled up over your head. It was -30C (-22F)with windchills at -46C(-53F I think).
And it continues. This morning it has dropped to -40C/-40F but thankfully the winds are so minimal that there is no windchill. It was very pretty early this morning because there was fog in the area. Everything had this frosty glow to it. Beautiful but very cold. It is still one of those days that you don't want to venture outside. And each time you pass the thermostat you turn it up just a little more. The forcast for the rest of the week doesn't look much better and sadly, Brad will have to venture out tomorrow to go to work. (It's been his days off the last two days and while he had some work planned he cancelled those plans due to weather.) I will have to brave the weather at some point as well to go have my glucose test done. And I think I may still bundle both boys up for our Friday playgroup (assuming my car starts...it has been a little particular this winter about cold weather and sitting without being started for more than 2 days in row).

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