My take on being a mom, staying home with my sons and communicating online with friends and family, near and far.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Give Aways – a great online spot for Baby Clothing, Shoes, Toys, Gifts and Cloth Diapers is hosting the Pippalily Baby Slings Give-Away @ go on over and comment and be entered to Win one of two Pippalily Baby Slings! There are also 13 pairs of Bical Grippers up for grabs. Don’t miss out!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Wild Winter Weather

It started over the weekend. Saturday it was a balmy -5C and there were next to no winds. It was lightly snowing and the snow was wet. Ryan and I went out in sweaters and fleece vests instead of our heavy jackets. By Sunday it had cooled considerably and the winds had picked up making cool windchills. I had us dressed in layers and Ryan was in his snowsuit and a blanket to cover his face for our weekly grocery trip. It continued to snow and the winds made it impossible to tell if it was still snowing or if it was just the fresh snow being blowed around. Many areas were drifted and low cars (especially those with out winter tires- not mine mind you) were getting stuck all over town. On Monday, the little guy I babysit and his parents had adventures as such trying to get here. They got stuck at corners, they got stuck at the gas station, it was one of those days where you wish you could stay in bed with the covers pulled up over your head. It was -30C (-22F)with windchills at -46C(-53F I think).
And it continues. This morning it has dropped to -40C/-40F but thankfully the winds are so minimal that there is no windchill. It was very pretty early this morning because there was fog in the area. Everything had this frosty glow to it. Beautiful but very cold. It is still one of those days that you don't want to venture outside. And each time you pass the thermostat you turn it up just a little more. The forcast for the rest of the week doesn't look much better and sadly, Brad will have to venture out tomorrow to go to work. (It's been his days off the last two days and while he had some work planned he cancelled those plans due to weather.) I will have to brave the weather at some point as well to go have my glucose test done. And I think I may still bundle both boys up for our Friday playgroup (assuming my car has been a little particular this winter about cold weather and sitting without being started for more than 2 days in row).

Monday, January 28, 2008
Winter Give Away
While visiting a couple of my favorite blogs (and links to their favorite blogs) I stumbled upon the most amazing thing- blog give aways! Now while most of these bloggers are American and are making their give aways available only to US citizens (and with postal prices I can't say I blame them!) some are international as well and I have/will be putting my name in on a few choice items.
So I thought about what I possibly have to give away. I always try to have "gifts" on hand because you never know when you will need something. And now happens to be one of those times it seems. I am going to make this give away available to any Canadian or American address. Please leave me a comment with your email that I can use to contact you if you are the winner. I will be selecting a winner at random on Saturday, February 2nd after 6 PM PST. I will contact the winner via email (and/or their blog- if you have one!). If I have not heard back from the winner within one week (by February 9th) I will choose another winner.
My offering:

I have this wonderful copy of Shoofly Pie (book and cd in a carrying case) from Do-Re-Me & You and Discovery Toys. My son has a copy that is already well worn (well the book anyway) and while there is a copy of a recipe for shoofly pie I am embarrassed to admit it is not one I have tried!
Good Luck!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Weekly Menu Plan January27- February 2

Monday-Pasta and garlic toast.
Tuesday-Breakfast for Supper (eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns and fruit)
Wednesday- Pizza and salad
Thursday- Chicken breasts, rice and broccoli
Saturday-Chinese/possibly eating out
When grocery shopping this week, there wasn't a whole lot that I picked up. But there was some fruit on sale and so I picked up not only my usual bananas but also some mineola tangerines, red grapes and green grapes. I also have two granny smith apples left from last week and some strawberries in the freezer. I am going to make some muffins this week as well ( a bunch of different varieties) and freeze them. Ryan and Mason love to eat muffins and Brad also likes to have muffins in his lunch. They are an easy snack and when they have been already made and frozen, I just need to take a couple out the night before to have for the next day.
SMART update

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Best Laid Plans

I spent most of last week and this past weekend reading and preparing myself for my doctor's appointment today. We are at the point where it is time to talk about the birth. Ryan's birth started pretty normally, with my water breaking in the doctors office at a routine appointment about 6 days past due. We had just finished talking about scheduling and induction for the next morning since I was almost a week past due, Ryan seemed a fair size already and I am a little more on the "petite" side. My labour progressed relatively quickly (from 2 cm to 10 cm in just a couple of hours) but without what I was expecting as contractions. Without the contractions to help me know when to push, I was unable to push effectively. Even when the nurse told me when to push by watching my contractions on the electronic fetal monitoring, it was not much help. Ryan ended up being born via a c-section(Cesarean), his pointy head telling me that he and I tried our best.

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Menu Plan January 20th-26th
Sunday- Rotisserie Chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, stove top and broccoli
Monday-Steak with baby roasted potatoes& garlic toast
Tuesday-Hamburgers with French fries and potato salad
Wednesday-Chicken wings with rice
Thursday- Pasta with Tomato Sauce and garlic toast
Friday- Sandwiches/leftovers/ take out
Saturday- Crock pot Ham with mashed potatoes and corn
Unfortunately, there are quite a few nights when I don't know what Ryan will have. Tonight I know he will scarf down the mashed potatoes, gravy and stove top. I'll give him a little chicken but I don't know if he will eat it. Monday night I am guessing I will have to give him something else. Maybe we will have mac and cheese for lunch and he can have lunch leftovers for supper.
Tuesday he will eat fries and I'll have him try potato salad. I will probably make him some chicken nuggets to go with with extra to have Wednesday night instead of the wings but he will have the rice. Thursday he will eat what we have, no problem and Friday too and then Saturday he will eat the mashed potatoes again and might pick at the ham.
Have a great week everyone! Happy planning and Bon Apetit!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
SMART update- Getting Started is Half the Battle

It is hard to believe that another week has gone by. With January more than half over, I think I am actually making progress on my SMART goals for the month. I don't know if it was because my menu was so simple, if it was because I was back on my schedule but we were able to stick to my menu plan almost every night. Of course Wednesday posed a problem and it is one of the nights that Brad is at work later than normal. By the time he got home and was able to take over the Ryan duty, it was much too late to make fajitas so we just made nachos with melted cheese and salsa. Not the best supper in the world but we did eat. And I had had wheat toast with pb a little earlier as a snack. We moved meals by one day and so the Rotisserie chicken we were to have tonight we will actually have tomorrow. YAY for having next week started already! Plus, I didn't have to go to the grocery store today just to get the chicken and since tomorrow is my regular shopping day I think it just works out for the best. Not to mention it is a simple and easy meal since Sunday afternoons can be so hectic.

Friday, January 18, 2008
5 Favorites
1. French Fries
2. Chocolate
3. Ketchup Chips
4. Chocolate Ice Cream
5. Strawberries (with dip or chocolate)
5 Favorite Movies
1. The Cutting Edge
2. The American President
3. Holiday Inn/White Christmas
4. Casablanca
5. Breakfast At Tiffany's
5 Favorite Dates
1. July 4th
2. July 10th
3. December 25th
4. October 29th
5. August 13th
5 Favorite Books
1. Little Women
2. Anne of Green Gables
3. Jewel/No Greater Love
4. Any Alex Cross novel by James Patterson
5. Socks for Supper
5 Favorite Songs
1. Pump It- Black Eyed Peas
2. Dreams- Gabrielle
3. Tainted Love- Soft Cell
4. Forever Tonight- Peter Cetera
5. A Thousand Days - Clay Aiken (what?! You had to know there would be at least one! ;) )
BTW, speaking of Clay Aiken; tonight was his opening night on broadway in Spamalot. Reports from friends who were there say it is very funny and worth seeing if you have the chance. Sadly, I will be sitting this Clay adventure out. Although I suspect I would run a very high risk of peeing my pants and not just from laughing!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
It all started with...

I was going to post these yesterday, under Wordless Wednesday. They are the newest (from last week's scan) pictures of baby boy #2. We have some from the first scan as well but they were on a film like sheet (more like negatives than actual pictures) like Ryan's scan and very hard to scan to the computer.
I like the first one and the last one the best. It is hard to tell but the tech swears that in the first one, baby is looking right out at us. And well that little hand in the last one is just too cute for words. We have one from Ryan where you can see he is sucking his thumb. I would post it, but like I said above, it was more like a negative than a picture and therefore super difficult to scan.
So, as I was saying, I was going to post this yesterday (when I was also catching up on the blogs that were missing from my computer woes) but Ryan was feeling a little under the weather and being a big ole suck. (I wouldn't even had gotten the updated blogs up except that they were already written and I just uploaded them during nap times) It all started yesterday morning just minutes after Brad left. Ryan was running around the kitchen with a clean, empty Tylenol syringe/plunger thingy in his mouth. Being the klutz he is, he fell and all of a sudden he was howling and had a mouthful of blood. I still don't know where exactly he cut his mouth. It took a while, and freaked out Mason a little, but I was able to calm Ryan, stop the bleeding and I gave him a dose of Tylenol for pain. He had his breakfast like usual (a bowl of cheerios and a yogurt) and after watching a little bit of "baboo" he went for his nap. Usually his morning nap is 1 1/2 to 2 hours but yesterday Ryan woke up screaming after just 45 minutes. From then on, he HAD to be in my arms.
And we couldn't be up walking around. It had to be snuggled in my arms/lap with his favorite blankie and his puppy dog. He wouldn't play with Mason, he wouldn't chase the cat, he wouldn't eat nor drink anything, wouldn't take his soother at times and he took short sporadic naps throughout the day. I tried all his favorite foods, I tried water, milk and juice, but after just one or two bites or sips the poor little thing would push it away and cry. Even snuggled in my lap, he whimpered most of the day.
I called Brad at work and put him on speakerphone. At first Ryan was very excited to hear Daddy, but when he realised Daddy wasn't actually at home he pushed the phone away and started crying again. Brad suggested crushing some ice and I remembered some pedialite freezies I had in the freezer neither worked on Ryan although Mason liked the crushed ice. And all I can say is Thank God for Family Channel, TreeHouse and Teletoon Retro (especially Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show and the Road Runner Show).
After Mason was picked up, I had to bundle us both up to go to Walmart to pick up some Motrin and Tylenol. He didn't want to to walk from the car to the store and he didn't want to ride in a cart so I just carried him through the store and back out. And we HAD to take his favorite blue blankie with us. Ryan cheered up slightly and wanted to play a little when Brad came home. He didn't eat anything at supper nor before bed. And he still wasn't drinking but he did have a couple of ice chips. We put him in his crib at his bedtime and he slept for maybe an hour before waking up screaming. Since his last dose of Tylenol had been at dinner time(right after returning from Walmart) I was able to give him a dose of Motrin and then I took him to bed with me. We let him sleep in our bed all night and he slept pretty well. I think we would have been up multiple times if not every hour if we had kept putting him back in his own crib.
Today he was a little better; he ate a little, he drank 3-4 glasses of apple juice and he played. He was still whiny but not as clingy. His morning nap was short but he had a nice long one in the afternoon. I decided that since he seemed in better spirits, and since there was still no fever, I would not expose either of us to the germs of the ER. We have a regularly scheduled appointment on Tuesday. If he gets worse before then, we will go to the ER. I think it was just because his poor little mouth was hurting from his fall. And there is that pesky eye tooth that keeps wanting to break through. Ryan has been asleep in his crib for about 2 hours now. Sleep well little man!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Computer woes

**HA! the jokes on me! I got my computer up and running again, got my blog written and ready to post but didn't get to post it yesterday.
Remember When?

**This was to be posted Monday, January 14/08
Menu Plan January 13-19 2008
Mac and Cheese out of the box.
Monday-Chicken Strips with Potato Chips
Frozen Chicken Strips and Potato Chip recipe from Dec 30.
Tuesday-Chef Salad with Garlic Toast
Wednesday-Chicken Fajitas
Thursday- Hot Dogs, French Fries and Potato Salad
Friday- Sandwiches/leftovers/ take out
Saturday- Rotisserie Chicken
I just buy this at the store but bring it home and sprinkle some seasoning on it and put it on warm in the oven for an hour or so. I'll make mashed potatoes, gravy and stove top with it.
**This was to be posted Sunday, January 13/08
SMART- Update

I didn't start the second part of my SMART habit for January yet; keeping my kitchen clean by cleaning it each night before bed. Hopefully next week with Brad at work and my personal schedule back on track, I will be able to tackle that. I also have made a list of chores and a schedule of when they need to be done.
Legend: BR- Brad B-Bobbi
BR- load/unload dishwasher
BR- wash dishes
B- tidy living room, dining room, kitchen,
hall and Ryan’s room
B- vacuum living room, dining room, kitchen,
hall and Ryan’s room
B- take bag of diapers to garage
B-dark laundry
B-mop kitchen/dining room
B-light laundry
BR-vacuum behind/under couch
B-clean bathrooms
B-vacuum master bedroom
B-get garbage/recycling together
BR-clean kitty litter
BR-take out garbage before bed
B-linens (towels, bedding, blankets,ect) laundry
B-mop kitchen/dining room
B-spot wash walls/baseboards
B-vacuum stairs and downstairs
B-mop downstairs
B-grocery shop
B-clean out fridge
B-clean out pantry
Sick Car
Thankfully we plugged the car into the battery charger, and the next day it started no problem. But it looks like the bug will need a trip into the city to the dealer to see if they can figure this out. In the meantime, I am going to have to try to remember to take my car for a little ride at least every other day.
**This was to be posted Friday, January 11/08
What were we thinking?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
It's a...
Thirteen Reasons We’re Glad it’s Another Boy.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Sleep and Daddy and Strollers, oh my!
We’ve been enjoying having Daddy home, although I am not getting much done. I’ve been taking the opportunity to nap and we’ve been watching movies. Tomorrow we have a jam packed agenda with errands and appointments, and during Ryan’s usual nap time, so it could be an interesting day.
After mild weather late last week and over the weekend, it has cooled again. The long range forecast shows milder weather for next week but that could easily change. I usually don’t mind winter weather but I am getting to the point where most of my jackets do not do up over my belly and the colder weather tends to keep me inside for that reason.
For his birthday back in the summer, Ryan was given a wagon from my parents. The wagon came with 4 wheels and 4 ski’s. He loves his wagon and as long as it is just him and I, he will stay in it as long as I am pulling it. Mason does not like to stay in, so if I have both of them, Ryan will get out when Mason gets out. I was hoping this week to put the skis on the wagon and give it a try.
I’ve begun researching double strollers. When we had Ryan we bought an evenflo travel system. Of the systems we were actually able to see in person (very limited supply around these parts) I liked the evenflo best because of the handle and it was one of the lightest. The stroller seemed sturdy, easily maneuverable and collapsible. We have gotten much use from it. (Ryan is so little we still can use the infant car seat! Although I think those days are about to be behind us…)
I purchased a double umbrella at the baby consignment sale in the spring because I had just started babysitting and I wanted to use it with both Ryan and Mason. It is great for going for walks and to the park with both boys. And it folds down easily and I can put it in the trunk of my car even. But it is no good in most stores (too wide to get into stores or isles). I can go to Walmart with it though and as long as it is not crowded and there isn't a cart coming the other direction of some isles, we can go and pick up things. If people help me with the doors I can also get into my bank and the post office. (They have double doors at the bank and wide for wheel chair access at the post office.) It is ok to push but it can be difficult to steer, especially tight corners.
For a double stroller I am looking at the "tandem" stlye where they sit one in front of each other instead of side by side. I know each child is different but just in case the next one is little like Ryan I want to make sure I get one that accepts an infant car seat (which Ryan still technically fits into at only 21 pounds...). That is where it gets a little tricky because most I have seen take only the same brand car seat as the stroller and I don't want to have to invest in another infant seat. I have only seen one evenflo double stroller so far. Good to know one exists but reading up on it, the reviews are not so great. While we have had much luck with our stroller (only now 18 months later showing some wear- bowing out at the wheels) the mother of the little guy I babysit had the same stroller and she constantly had problems with wheels coming off. After the 3rd set of wheels from the company she just went out and bought a new jogger stroller with the all terrain wheels. Now to be fair she uses her stroller constantly as she doesn't drive.
Another thing I am looking for is that the stroller folds up and then the size and weight when it folds up. While I would use it for walks, I would also use it running errands around town, at the mall, at walmart, ect. So I am looking for something that would fit in my car. Ideally in my trunk, but even Ryan's single didn't do that so I would put Ryan in his seat behind the passenger side and put his stroller behind the driver side. Now with two car seats in the back I wouldn't be able to do that, but I could possibly put it in the front seat leaning against the seat. While a new car would be nice, I just don't think it will be feasable barring a moderate lottery win before baby #2 comes along. Perhaps when I go back to work, but I would like to stay home for about a year with baby #2.
So that brings me to the third thing on my shopping list for a double stroller. And that is price. I don’t necessarily want the cheapest stroller out there but I am not about to spend a small fortune on one. And if I can find one used and in good condition, even better! I welcome any advice on double strollers from those of you out there reading this!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Weekly Menu Plan
Sunday- 15 minute Taco in a Pan
1 pound extra lean ground beef
2 cups water
1 (1.25 ounce) package TACO BELL HOME ORIGINALS Taco Seasoning Mix
2 cups MINUTE White Rice, uncooked
1 cup KRAFT Mexican Style Shredded Cheese
2 cups shredded lettuce
2 cups chopped tomatoes
Cooking Directions:
Brown meat in large nonstick skillet; drain.
Add water and seasoning mix; stir. Bring to boil.
Stir in rice. Sprinkle with cheese; cover.
Reduce heat to low; simmer 5 min.
Top with lettuce and tomatoes.
Yield: 4 servings
Fun Idea:
Top with coarsely crushed tortilla chips and salsa if desired.
Monday-BBQ Chicken Skillet
8 boneless skinless chicken thighs, cut into chunks
1 teaspoon oil
1 1/4 cups water
1/2 cup KRAFT or BULL'S-EYE Original Barbecue Sauce
1 1/2 cups MINUTE White Rice, uncooked
1 large red pepper, chopped
1 cup chopped zucchini
Cooking Directions:
Brown chicken in oil in large nonstick skillet on medium-high heat 3 min.
Add water, barbecue sauce and rice. Bring to boil.
Reduce heat to medium-low; sprinkle with pepper and zucchini.
Cover. Simmer 10 min.
Yield: 4 servings
Prepare as directed, using boneless skinless chicken breasts. Substitute red pepper and zucchini with broccoli and carrots.
*my personal recipe- maybe I’ll share it at another time ;)
Wednesday-Beef Stew
*From Wolf Gang Puck
2 pounds Beef Chuck
1/4 cup All-Purpose Flour
1 teaspoon Salt
1/4 teaspoon Freshly Ground Pepper
3 tablespoons Oil
2 tablespoons Butter
1 Large onion, cut into 1/2 inch thick wedges
2 Large Cloves Garlic, minced
1/2 cup Dry Red Wine
2 cups Homemade Beef Stock or Canned Beef Broth
1/4 cup Balsamic Vinegar
1 Bay Leaf
7 Fresh Large Sage Leaves, washed and dried
1 pound Butternut Squash, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
1/2 pound Parsnips, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
2 Medium Carrots, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks
1/2 pound Roma tomatoes, cored, blanched, peeled, seeded, and diced
Cooking Directions:
Cut the beef into 1-inch cubes.
On a piece of waxed paper or in a plastic food storage bag combine flour, salt and pepper.
Toss beef cubes in flour mixture to coat or place beef cubes in food storage bag and shake until beef cubes are coated with flour mixture.
In a wide, heavy saucepan, heat the oil.
Brown beef cubes on all sides, removing from pan as browned.
In the same saucepan, melt the butter.
Saute the onion and garlic until translucent.
Deglaze with red wine and bring to a boil, scraping up any browned bits from bottom of saucepan.
Return the meat to the pan.
Add stock, vinegar and bay leaf.
Cover and let simmer 1 hour.
Cut the sage leaves into a chiffonade (I have no idea what this means!) and stir into sauce with the butternut, squash, parsnips, carrots and tomatoes.
Cover and let simmer 20 minutes or until meat and vegetables are tender.
Remove bay leaf and correct seasonings.
Yield: 4 servings
Notes: I will be omitting the onions and the red wine. I am substituting potatoes for parsnips.
Thursday- left overs/sandwhiches/take out
Friday- sandwiches *hubby back to work/just Ryan and I
Saturday-Quick Fettuccine Cacciatore
*From my friend Lea
300 g fettuccine, uncooked
2 tsp. vegetable Oil
1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts, chopped
1 cup each sliced green peppers and sliced mushrooms
1 can (19 oz) Petite Cut Tomatoes with Garlic and Olive Oil, undrained
1 cup Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing
1 cup Kraft 4 Cheese Italiano Shreds
chopped fresh basil leaves
Cooking Directions:
Cook pasta as directed on package
Heat oil in large skillet on med. high
Add chicken; stir until no longer pink
Add peppers and mushrooms, cook 3 minutes, stirring occasionally
Stir in tomatoes with their liquid and the dressing
Reduce heat to medium low and simmer 5 minutes or until chicken is cooked through
Toss pasta with chicken mixture.
Sprinkle with cheese and basil
Makes four 2 cup servings
Update on last week's plan...
I would say it was successful here. We tried three new recipes, one was a hit and the other two just need a little tweaking. We have extra portions of one meal frozen in the freezer for later. Wednesday night however, I was so exhausted after the little guy I babysit left that we decided to just get McDonalds so I could have a little before dinner nap. So we shuffled the menu down a day and had Wednesday on Thursday and Thursday on Friday (hubby eneded up being home unexpectedly).
Then on Saturday (cause hubby was home again unexpectedly) we tackled a major kitchen reshuffle to make room for the new dishes and small appliances from Christmas and finally finished unpacking his mom's china and crystal. It took all day! We didn't even get out of our jammies. Since I like to buy my steak fresh, I had planned on picking it up Saturday while out but since we didn't get out of the house at all, we ordered in from one of our favorite restaurants.
We would have just made something at home but we were out of just about everything and it was very late by the time we finally got everything put away. I like to try to shop just once a week but I usually end up making a second run for milk, bread and other items on Thursday/Friday or Saturday while Brad is at work and I have just Ryan. But Brad's vacation started early and since he was home my own schedule changed and I never got back out to the grocery store.
This Tuesday is 10% Tuesday at our grocery store. So I am going grocery shopping today (because we NEED to) but I am only getting things we need for today, Monday and Tuesday. Then on Tuesday I plan to go back and get groceries for the rest of the week's dinners. I have also made a mock menu plan for the rest of the month ('till the next 10% Tuesday) so that I can buy any freezable, dry goods, lunch items, snacks, ect. My goal is to try to save some $$ that way. We'll see what happens through the month. If nothing else, by shopping on 10% Tuesday we are saving double the sales tax on our groceries. This is not something I could easily accomplish by myself however as I usually have Mason on Tuesdays and Brad is sometimes at work. But even with Mason, if Brad can schedule himself off on the 10% Tuesdays it might be worth while.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
SMART Habit Saturday

Friday, January 4, 2008
Winter Fun

But since today is the last day I have Mason for a while, I thought what fun it would be to take Ryan and Mason out sledding. Mother Nature is cooperating and the weather is mild and sunny outside. (This morning there was some freezing rain/snow/sleet that kept us from going to our usual playgroup.) So as soon as naps were over and lunch was had, we ventured outside. There is a nice sledding hill just behind the houses across the street.


If you notice Ryan’s snowsuit, it is all one piece with a hood (that doesn’t have a drawstring to make it tight), detachable booties and detachable mittens with no thumbs. It is the only snowsuit we have that fits Ryan this year but it is great. I do however, put a toque on him always since the hood doesn’t have a drawstring and is quite loose on his head, plus his toque has ear flaps and ties under his chin so he can’t pull it off. I also put other mittens on him under his attached mittens because again they are a little loose. I also put either his robeez booties or his hiking boots on under the attached booties to help keep his feet warm and dry incase snow gets down there.
Just before Christmas at the end of a bitterly cold windy weather streak and I was in Walmart with Ryan. We had been out running errands all day and I knew before we left that it was cold, that the mall and Walmart would be swamped and we would have to park far away so I bundled him up in his snowsuit. We had just finished paying at Walmart and I pushed my cart over by the customer service counter so I could redress Ryan (I had taken off his hat, mittens and unzipped his suit to get his arms out) when a lady came over and told me that was some suit Ryan was wearing. She went on to say she was glad to see some parents still know how to appropriately dress their children for winter weather.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Talk About...Toddler Sleep Issues
I know our routine has been a little disrupted over the holidays and he is a little over stimulated during the day what with the decorations, the special treats and sweets, the Christmas lights in the house, the new toys and the friends and family that drop by to visit. But we've been trying to keep things as close to routine as possible.
Unfortunately Ryan is ending up in our bed at some point every night. It is taking him forever to get to sleep at night and he is not wanting to nap at all. I rather he nap because I am a firm believer in the good naps lead to good night time sleep and so we try to force him to nap at least once a day. The past couple of days we have gotten two naps out of him but it has taken 2 or 3 attempts each. At night we've been starting at 8 and sometimes it takes as long as to 12 before he is out for more than an hour. Then between 2 and 4 he is up and comes into bed with us because I just can't get him soothed and back down without a huge struggle. Unfortunately once he comes back to bed with us, as soon as I get up again (even to just go to the bathroom) he is up for the day. So he is getting up even earlier than usual.
The weird thing is that when he goes down at night and we finally get him to sleep, he will sleep for anywhere for 25-60 minutes but then wakes up screaming. He'll be up for 30-45 minutes and is starving. The other night he had two yogurt tubes (in addition to the one he usually has before bed), two cups of water, a cereal bar and some goldfish crackers. I can't remember if he ate particularly well that night but I know for sure he had had a a tube before bed as usual. (He rarely turns down yogurt or fruity apple sauce blends). Two nights ago when he woke up, he had a tube, a cereal bar, goldfish crackers and water. He had had a piece of french toast, some fried apples (maybe 4-6 slices), apple sauce, and milk for supper at around 6:30, then a yogurt tube at 8:80 before bed. It was about 10 or 10:30 when he woke up and had his "snack".
I don't know- growth spurt maybe? Too stimulated with new toys during the day to eat as much as he should and so still hungry at night when he goes to bed? And then a tummy ache earlier in the morning from eating so much and going to bed? His top eye teeth are on the verge but this is different than his usual teething upset sleeping (not to mention going on for longer). Maybe it is a combination of all this. All I know is I long for a good nights sleep again…without Ryan in my bed.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Year Thoughts
Another of those new year resolutions, to eat better. I know this one is a common one but my approach may be a little less than tradtional. I am looking at this more in a try new recipes, plan a weekly menu, eat smaller portions, dress up leftovers and make/freeze to save time. I even jumped the gun a little and planned my weekly menu for this week on Sunday before I went for groceries.
Exercise would be another of those common resolutions but it is hard to gear up to exercise more when the weather is so cold and the fact that at the moment, no matter how much I exercise my waist is still going to expand for the next several months. But trying to get to the pool once a week with Ryan and finding time for my pregnancy yoga dvd are goals for sure.
At some point in the last couple of months (summer maybe?) I messed up the settings on my digital camera and haven't bothered to dig out the manual to fix them. It makes taking a picture with any kind of movement incredibly blury and with a toddler, it is near impossible to get "still" shots unless they are sleeping. (And just how many pictures of my sleeping toddler do I need anyway?!) So that is another "resolution" to learn more about my camera and become more "tech" aware. Just because he is a toddler and into EVERYTHING, Ryan is no less cute than he was at 6 months (maybe even more so!) and I want to make sure I have lots of pictures of him. Especially with most of the family so far away, recent pictures and now the invention of webcams are blessings to be shared. (Plus I want to get back in the habit before baby #2 makes it's arrival in the spring- lest we fall into the dreaded second child/less pictures trap!)
Wishing you a happy new year. May your wishes and dreams be realized. And may 2008 be a great year!