When we first arrived at the Condo, we had the unfortunate occurance of breaking the key off in the door. That had us changing our Saturday plans as we fixed the situation. Ryan enjoyed doing a couple of new puzzles on the floor of the condo that night.

The next day, we headed to West Ed. The MFRC here in Cold Lake offers passes to WEM at quite a discount. An adult pass to the amusement park for example is $31.95 at the mall. The MFRC offers them for $18. And since Ryan and Adam are 2 and under, they were FREE!
We rode the train through the park first.

Then we tried to take Ryan on a bunch of the rides (Motojump, 35th Areo Squadron, ect) but he was just a fraction too short to ride them. So we had to settle for rides that he was too short for but that allow a short rider to ride with an adult. So we rode the kiddie convoy a couple of times (with Adam as well), the carousel (Ryan only since Adam was napping) and the balloon race.

Brad also took the oportunity to ride the mindbender (Ryan, Adam and I stood in the middle of one of the loops and watched Brad whiz by!) and the cosmic spinner. We enjoyed some ice cream in the food court later in the day where Ryan ate almost a whole chocolate dipped ice cream cone that I had wanted us to share.

Ryan also enjoyed a couple of the ride on cars through out the mall (and in Southgate the day before) and once we were finished our rides and Ryan was beyond tired, instead of making him walk the mall again, we rented a car for him to ride/drive in.

Earlier in the day we posed for some pictures at the bridge that goes over the mini put course. Ryan also took a short ride on Daddy's shoulders to catch a glimpse at the seals.

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