I stole this from my fabulous sister-in-law at Melanblog, because any excuse to get all domestic-like and make something and be creative and crafty is GREAT with me. And yeah, hopefully actually seeing some comments on my blog is a bonus :) The "Melanchuks Chuck Melons" are currently living a grand adventure in a foreign country with their two little girls and newborn baby boy.
The Rules:
1. Be one of the first THREE to leave a comment on this post, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me.
2. Winners must post this challenge on your blog, meaning that you will Pay It Forward, creating a handmade gift - anything! - for the first three bloggers who leave a comment on YOUR post about this giveaway!
3. The gift that you send your THREE friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And remember, it’s the spirit and the thought that counts!
4. When you receive your gift, feel free to blog about it!
I was going to post about something else today, but since I spent the boys' nap time finding my entry from under the piles of boots, shoes, coats, sweaters, hats, mits, scarves, slippers, baby slings, bags, toys, cat food and various other assorted items and not taking pictures of what I wanted to post about, I'll save that post for another day. Maybe tomorrow!
My take on being a mom, staying home with my sons and communicating online with friends and family, near and far.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Adam is in the really curious phase of development. Plus since he is now more or less mobile, he is into absolutely everything.

While it took Ryan lessons from cousin Kathryn -in Seattle, just before his first birthday- in order to master the fine art of crawling up and down stairs, Adam has somehow picked up this skill somewhat on his own. He always looks so proud when he is caught on the stairs. He has the CUTEST mischievious grin. It's kind of hard to stay mad at.

While it took Ryan lessons from cousin Kathryn -in Seattle, just before his first birthday- in order to master the fine art of crawling up and down stairs, Adam has somehow picked up this skill somewhat on his own. He always looks so proud when he is caught on the stairs. He has the CUTEST mischievious grin. It's kind of hard to stay mad at.

Sunday, March 22, 2009
The story of a boy and his soother...

^Ryan- 3 wks
Ryan has always loved his soother.

^Ryan- 6 mos
We gave it to him very early in life (much earlier than recommended when breastfeeding) and it has been his constant compagnion.

^Ryan 10mos
It's name has changed as he has grown and his vocabulary has expanded.

^Ryan 12 mos
The first word for it was "blether" which was the adult word for the sound he made when he wanted it.

^Ryan 18mos
This came from the other little boy I babysat.

^Ryan 22 mos
The sound he made was very similar to the sound Adam is making in this video.

Last Spring before Adam was born, Ryan's soother habit was very minimal. The other little boy I was babysitting only used his for naps and so Ryan was pretty much doing the same thing- to sleep and in the car. But when Adam came along, Ryan became very dependent upon his soother agaian- even though we didn't give Adam a soother until he was about 6 wks old. Ryan could often be seen going around with multiple soothers. He would steal his brothers' soother whenever he could (although at first the "baby" sized soothers he didn't like and would always give them back to Adam- but once Adam graduated to the same size as Ryan, Ryan often liked to take Adam's). He currently calls his soother a "lo" or "lo-lo". Adam has not developed such a dependancy on his soother (at least not yet) so I am think I should try to curb this with both at the same time.

^Ryan 28 mos
Since Wednesday, Ryan has had his soother only for sleep (nap and at night) and at daycare. Same with Adam. I don't think Adam cares so much and I was getting tired of always having to clean his soother because it was always getting full of stuff from off the floor (cat hair, crumbs, my hair) as he dragged it on the floor as he crawls around. I don't remember this happening with Ryan but it was probably because he always had it in his mouth. He sometimes cried and asks "Where Ryan's lo-lo is?" but I either tell him "it's got to be somewhere" and off he goes to look for it and gets distracted by something else, or I tell him "it's at (a place where we are not- like Daddy's store, gran-gran's house, playgroup, daycare, ect) and then distract him with something else. In the morning and after his nap, I distract him with something and unclip the soother. Then I hide it somewhere. I do still take it with me in my purse or diaper bag when we go out anywhere, just in case he has a major meltdown. But so far I am cautiously optimistic that we just might have success. I will continue like this for a while, and then I will try to get Ryan to give it up for naps and then nighttime. Or maybe I'll try nighttime first and then naps- I would hate for Ryan to give up his naps just because I took away his soother like what happened to Darryl and Amanda with Kathryn.

^Ryan 31 mos
Friday, March 20, 2009
Happy Spring
The weather has warmed a little with the arrival of Spring. Yesterday, the boys and I took advantage of a little warm weather and sunshine and went for a walk after their afternoon naps. Then I scraped the drive way while Adam watched in the shade and Ryan played with his sidewalk chalk. He kept asking "Color with me momma?".

I don't know if it is another cold I seem to have or if it is the arrival of spring allergies with all the melting of the snow, but my head feels like it is going to explode today and my nose just won't stop leaking.
And I would be remiss if I didn't mention just how much this mommy loves having a grandma who knows and likes to knit for my boys. I remember my own granny knitted sweaters, hats and mittens for my cousins and I all the time. So I am glad my boys will have a similar experience. Knitting is definately one of those things I want to learn to do.

I don't know if it is another cold I seem to have or if it is the arrival of spring allergies with all the melting of the snow, but my head feels like it is going to explode today and my nose just won't stop leaking.
And I would be remiss if I didn't mention just how much this mommy loves having a grandma who knows and likes to knit for my boys. I remember my own granny knitted sweaters, hats and mittens for my cousins and I all the time. So I am glad my boys will have a similar experience. Knitting is definately one of those things I want to learn to do.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Little Steps
I named my blog "Little Steps in Motherhood" for a number of reasons. First off, I am a small person and for that reason, I take small steps even when I am trying not to. Secondly, I think motherhood is an adventure and being somewhat cautious, my adeventures in motherhood are sprinkled with caution as I take things one little thing at a time, or one step at a time if you will. And then of course, there are all those milestones you reach with your little ones, or the steps they take in their personal development and then later in life as they take steps towards independance.

Ryan- April 2007
Ryan was about 9 months old when he took his first steps. Later in that month, I began babysitting a little boy a couple of months older than Ryan. This older little boy was already walking and it made Ryan seem to want to walk more. Within the first week of babysitting, Ryan was barely crawling anymore, choosing to walk whenever he could. By 10 months Ryan was mostly walking. By 11 months, he was no longer crawling.

Adam turned 9 months in February. No steps. I know, you shouldn't compare your children. I'm not. Here we are about 10 1/2 months and I am very proud to announce that Adam took his first steps last night. I'm in no hurry for Adam to rush to full time walking. I am not terribly surprised that he didn't take his first steps as early as Ryan. First off, I think Ryan was VERY young when he took his first steps. Secondly, Adam is for one thing, much more mellow than Ryan. He also seems more cautious than Ryan. Ryan has always had this "no fear" sort of attitude. Adam is adventureous in his own right, but he seems a little more careful and deliberate. Since he is only just walking, he is only taking a maxium of three steps at a time on his own. (He's been cruising around furniture for a couple of weeks now.)

I am so happy for my littlest man that he has reached this milestone in his little life. I am sad as I realize he is quickly moving from the baby/infant stage and into toddler mode. He's almost a year old already. Even with the sleepless nights, and interrupted sleep nights, it seems like the time with my baby is flying by far too quickly. Soon he will be a rough and tumble bundle of energy like his older brother, constantly keeping me on my toes and on the go. I think I'll go now and cuddle with my littlest man, while I still can.

Ryan- April 2007
Ryan was about 9 months old when he took his first steps. Later in that month, I began babysitting a little boy a couple of months older than Ryan. This older little boy was already walking and it made Ryan seem to want to walk more. Within the first week of babysitting, Ryan was barely crawling anymore, choosing to walk whenever he could. By 10 months Ryan was mostly walking. By 11 months, he was no longer crawling.

Adam turned 9 months in February. No steps. I know, you shouldn't compare your children. I'm not. Here we are about 10 1/2 months and I am very proud to announce that Adam took his first steps last night. I'm in no hurry for Adam to rush to full time walking. I am not terribly surprised that he didn't take his first steps as early as Ryan. First off, I think Ryan was VERY young when he took his first steps. Secondly, Adam is for one thing, much more mellow than Ryan. He also seems more cautious than Ryan. Ryan has always had this "no fear" sort of attitude. Adam is adventureous in his own right, but he seems a little more careful and deliberate. Since he is only just walking, he is only taking a maxium of three steps at a time on his own. (He's been cruising around furniture for a couple of weeks now.)

I am so happy for my littlest man that he has reached this milestone in his little life. I am sad as I realize he is quickly moving from the baby/infant stage and into toddler mode. He's almost a year old already. Even with the sleepless nights, and interrupted sleep nights, it seems like the time with my baby is flying by far too quickly. Soon he will be a rough and tumble bundle of energy like his older brother, constantly keeping me on my toes and on the go. I think I'll go now and cuddle with my littlest man, while I still can.

Friday, March 6, 2009
A trip to WEM
Late last month we took a weekend trip to Edmonton and took Ryan and Adam to West Edmonton Mall. Our original plan was to visit the Waterpark but since we were all just getting over colds, we opted to just shop and visit the amusement park instead.
When we first arrived at the Condo, we had the unfortunate occurance of breaking the key off in the door. That had us changing our Saturday plans as we fixed the situation. Ryan enjoyed doing a couple of new puzzles on the floor of the condo that night.

The next day, we headed to West Ed. The MFRC here in Cold Lake offers passes to WEM at quite a discount. An adult pass to the amusement park for example is $31.95 at the mall. The MFRC offers them for $18. And since Ryan and Adam are 2 and under, they were FREE!
We rode the train through the park first.

Then we tried to take Ryan on a bunch of the rides (Motojump, 35th Areo Squadron, ect) but he was just a fraction too short to ride them. So we had to settle for rides that he was too short for but that allow a short rider to ride with an adult. So we rode the kiddie convoy a couple of times (with Adam as well), the carousel (Ryan only since Adam was napping) and the balloon race.

Brad also took the oportunity to ride the mindbender (Ryan, Adam and I stood in the middle of one of the loops and watched Brad whiz by!) and the cosmic spinner. We enjoyed some ice cream in the food court later in the day where Ryan ate almost a whole chocolate dipped ice cream cone that I had wanted us to share.

Ryan also enjoyed a couple of the ride on cars through out the mall (and in Southgate the day before) and once we were finished our rides and Ryan was beyond tired, instead of making him walk the mall again, we rented a car for him to ride/drive in.

Earlier in the day we posed for some pictures at the bridge that goes over the mini put course. Ryan also took a short ride on Daddy's shoulders to catch a glimpse at the seals.

When we first arrived at the Condo, we had the unfortunate occurance of breaking the key off in the door. That had us changing our Saturday plans as we fixed the situation. Ryan enjoyed doing a couple of new puzzles on the floor of the condo that night.

The next day, we headed to West Ed. The MFRC here in Cold Lake offers passes to WEM at quite a discount. An adult pass to the amusement park for example is $31.95 at the mall. The MFRC offers them for $18. And since Ryan and Adam are 2 and under, they were FREE!
We rode the train through the park first.

Then we tried to take Ryan on a bunch of the rides (Motojump, 35th Areo Squadron, ect) but he was just a fraction too short to ride them. So we had to settle for rides that he was too short for but that allow a short rider to ride with an adult. So we rode the kiddie convoy a couple of times (with Adam as well), the carousel (Ryan only since Adam was napping) and the balloon race.

Brad also took the oportunity to ride the mindbender (Ryan, Adam and I stood in the middle of one of the loops and watched Brad whiz by!) and the cosmic spinner. We enjoyed some ice cream in the food court later in the day where Ryan ate almost a whole chocolate dipped ice cream cone that I had wanted us to share.

Ryan also enjoyed a couple of the ride on cars through out the mall (and in Southgate the day before) and once we were finished our rides and Ryan was beyond tired, instead of making him walk the mall again, we rented a car for him to ride/drive in.

Earlier in the day we posed for some pictures at the bridge that goes over the mini put course. Ryan also took a short ride on Daddy's shoulders to catch a glimpse at the seals.

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