Friday, April 11, 2008


Ok, so I disappeared again.

I've been here but I've been an interesting mix of busy and lazy. I changed my blog layout from a St Patrick's Day motif to an Easter motif to the blue watery motif that it is currently. It was the closest I could get to April showers, not that it is raining here much yet this April. But the weather is warming, the snow is melting and the snow mold, muck and dead grass are more and more visable everyday.
I added a couple of coutdowns, a baby countdown and a countdown to the new Clay Aiken cd, both of which I can't wait to have! A word of warning, the baby countdown is set to noon on the day of what was to be my scheduled repeat c-section. It is no longer scheduled. My due date is May 3rd or 4th. My doctor will do an automatic c-section at 41 weeks (or as close as possible) if the baby has not arrived on his own- but that is another post on it's own. I am also past the critical 36 weeeks so at this point, if baby starts to come, they won't try to stop him. So right now I would say baby boy #2 is arriving anytime between now and May 12th.

I would like to say that I plan on updating my blog with some of the goings on from the past few weeks over this weekend. But I do have a list of chores that I should complete as well and of course, being 37 weeks pregnant, I am a little lazy these days. :)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Wow, that baby is coming soon! We will be thinking of you and praying that all will go well. We're excited for his arrival! Are you going to reveal any names you're thinking about?