Welcome Home ~July 2006~

~~~~July 2006~~~~
There is nothing like a new baby to bring the friends and relatives out in full force. Our son Ryan James was born July 4th 2006 at 6:36 pm. He was born via C-section and by the time I was out of recovery it was too late for visitors. And since Ryan had been born via C-section, we were looking at about a 3 day hospital stay. Ironically, my parents had already started their trek westward from Ontario on that same day and received the news of their first grand baby while spending the night at my aunt and uncles' house.
Although I was a little out of it and looking horrible the next day, Ryan and I had a barrage of visitors. First off was Nicole and Jen from the Brick where Brad works. Brad arrived a little later since he had to get his father to the hospital for an outpatient surgery. Later that day great-grandpa M and grandpa M both came up to quickly take a peek at the new boy in the family. More staff from the Brick stopped by including Nicky, Erin and Rachael. They left when my friend Audrey and Cary from the Brick stopped by.
Day two in the hospital and I was feeling a little more like my self and more mobile for sure. I had even gotten up and showered but even with a full travel sized bottle of conditioner my hair was a tangled mess. There were not many people that came to visit that day, and even Brad had to stay home to over see the delivery of the new bed and finish a couple of things on the main floor renovations. Later in the evening, Chris and Rachael from the Brick stopped by and so did my mom's friend Sharilee.
Day three and I was ready to blow that pop stand and head home. Thinking it is July and summer, I had only packed shorts in my bag to come home. But it was overcast and drizzly that day and I ended up being quite cold when we left the hospital. Thankfully I had brought blankets for Ryan cause I only had a onsie packed for him as well. When we finally got home, I changed into some sweats for myself and a sleeper for Ryan. I sent Brad to get some painkillers for me and some Chinese for lunch. We were expecting my parents to arrive the next day but they phoned to say they were going to drive until they arrived at our place which would be later that night. I don't know what I did for the rest of the day other than catch up on some emails and messages at a few message boards I belong to on the internet. I am sure I also napped so I could be up and awake for a visit when my parents arrived much later that night.
My parents stayed for 2 1/2 weeks. It was great because they were a big help. Brad and Jim worked on some of the basement stuff. Mom helped me with Ryan and kept my house cleaned and helped me cook. The new bed that had been delivered while I was in the hospital was so high that I needed Brad's help in and out of it at first. And even after the first two weeks I needed to use a step stool to get in and out of bed for just over a month more. I needed help stepping into and out of the shower as well since our tub is so deep and I am so short.
While my parents were here, I had my baby shower. Mostly just the girls from the Brick, my friend Audrey and a couple of my Mom's friends from when they lived here. My mom had brought not only many gifts from her and Jim for Ryan but also presents from most of my aunts and uncles as well. The baby shower was a great hit! Near the end of my parents visit, my cousin Andrew (Andy) and his girlfriend Janice came to visit as well. It had been a really long time since I had seen Andy so it was great to see him again.
By the time Thanksgiving arrived, we had also been blessed with a visit from Darryl, Amanda and then 1 year old Kathryn. We travelled west to Donnelly/Grande Prairie for a wedding and to visit with cousin Vance, Sara and the boys. And we made a trip with grandma M to visit great-grandma P in Edmonton.
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