My take on being a mom, staying home with my sons and communicating online with friends and family, near and far.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
And they're off!
Meanwhile, things are getting busy here. We're getting a driveway and walkway. (Well as long as mother nature and the company doing the work co-operate that it!) It is a huge pain at the moment having our front step missing and having ALL of our front yard as a huge mud pit. And it is not very convenient to park across the road, especially when I have two toddlers in tow. Hopefully it is finished sooner rather than later.
In Ryan news, it seems like he learns something new everyday. He has started doing this little dance thing when he hears music. It is so cute! He loves playing with things that have buttons to push although he pushes buttons mostly with his thumb. I guess we will need to play some finger-song games to increase his finger dexterity. He has developed a healthy fear for the cat. He will approach the cat and hold out his hand to be sniffed. He will try to touch the cat now, but not anywhere near the cat's face.
I'll update the Discovery Toys business in another post as I have much to say on that subject!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Setting Up Shop
The first thing she asked those of us participating to do is to figure out why we are with Discovery Toys. Next, to make a goal for the 6 weeks. Then make an action plan to achieve this goal. And finally share this goal and plan with a significant other who will be helping to make this possible. She also is looking for us to share this goal and plan with her so she can help motivate, inspire and coach us to success.
I thought a lot last night about why I am with Discovery Toys. In the beginning I was just looking for something to do to help make some extra money while I stay home. But in my little time with the company, I've come to really see the value in their toys and their slogan "Play with your children, it's the best investment you'll ever make." As a teacher and now a parent I wholeheartedly agree with this philosophy. I also appreciate the fact that Discovery Toys makes educational toys, games and books. So now, I think my why is a little different. I really want to share Discovery Toys with other people and not just by selling toys but by introducing the possibilities with Discovery Toys to others as well.
My goal in the 6 weeks, is to become a group manager by Oct. This type of a promotion actually means skipping a step in the rank ladder. I know it is a god thing to keep your goals realistic but I do think I can make this. I may have to adjust my goal, become a Sterling Consultant by the beginning of October and a Group Manager by the end but either way, I do want to reach Group Manager status this fall.
The hard part now is setting up a plan. I know I have some great tools available to me not only in this training/coaching that Jen has set up but also with all the new products about to be introduced in the Fall 2007 catalogue. I can't wait, new things are always so exciting to me. But in the meantime, there are some great products that are about to be discontinued to make room for the new products. They are still great products and I want to make sure people I know have the opportunity to purchase them before they are gone. A few of them I have already and are favorites of Ryan.
My plan includes working 30 minutes per day for 5 days a week and hopefully scheduling one to two parties a week for the next 6 weeks. During the 30 minutes a day for 5 days I plan on making calls, sending out emails, putting together and sending out catalogue party packs and doing other Discovery Toys training that is available to me. In order to reach my goal, I also need to share the Discovery Toys opportunity with 5 others in Canada. To make that happen, I am going to aim to share the Discovery Toys Business opportunity with 4 people a week. If I can get one of those 4 each week to sign up and join Discovery Toys with me, then I should be able to meet my goal of Group Manager.
While meeting this goal and making some extra money is a reward of it's own, I would like to shoot for making money to spend on a possible trip to the Eastern US just before Christmas to visit with some friends and catch the Clay Aiken Holiday Tour 07 (Christmas in the Heartland?).
Each week I will post an update about how things are going with my 6 week intensive coaching and how my goal is coming along. If you would like more information about Discovery Toys, check out .
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
A Night with Grandma
The first time grandma M came to babysit Ryan slept the whole time. When we left last night, Ryan was asleep and we hoped we would have a repeat of last time. When we came home last night, Ryan was awake , cuddling in our bed with grandma. She said he basically woke up as soon as we had left and was awake the whole time. She did say he was very good however. He played with his toys a little. Grandma said he especially loved playing with his Winnie the pooh book that grandma B sent for Christmas last year. Kathryn loved that book while we were in Seattle as well.
Ryan was very excited to see us when we got home but he was very tired. He was so tired we were able to lay him down in the pack n' play beside our bed and he fell asleep more or less on his own. I tried that again today at nap time but it didn't work as well. I haven't tired the magic song for sleeping yet but I will soon.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sleepless nights

Friday, August 10, 2007
Road Trip ~~Ride on Time~~

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
First Smiles

You can catch it like the flu.
Someone smiled at me today,
And I started smiling too.
~Author Unknown
Sometime early in September of 2006 Ryan began smiling. On the 6th we were finally able to catch one of those bright rays of sunshine on film for the first time. To me, he looked like a totally different baby when he smiled. His smiles became contagious and it was (and still is) hard to look at his smiling face and not smile back or give him what he wants.
Since then, most people who have met Ryan have commented on what a happy baby he is. I think it is because he smiles so much. The next sagas in Ryan's smile...when it turns from a gummy toothless grin into a dazzling smile complete with chompers and when the grin is accompanied with an infectious giggle.

Monday, August 6, 2007
Little Model

When Ryan was just 6 weeks old, the three of us went to Walmart to have our pictures taken at the portrait studio. They had a special where you could get oodles of pictures in a variety of sizes for $9.99 but it can only be of the first pose. That was all we really wanted anyway. Ryan was still very little and for the most part only onsies or sleepers really fit him, but I wanted him in a "big boy" outfit. I picked up this demin outfit at old navy when Ryan was just 3 weeks old and we took our first road trip into Edmonton. The blue puppy dog slippers were a baby shower gift and he wore them almost all the time for the first couple of months. Notice how Ryan looks so tiny compared to Brad's arm and especially his watch.

Unfortunately, our Walmart doesn't have any cute backgrounds for family pictures and so we got our pictures done with just the blue background. But we saw a couple of the cute baby backgrounds and we were hooked. We really liked this warf background. With my family being from Newfoundland, we thought this little fisherman set up was too cute for words.

We wanted more pictures, just with Ryan and the cute backgrounds. They took a lot of photos that day, especially of Ryan alone with the cute kiddie backgrounds but we
managed to cut it down to just 4 poses. What we anticipated as just a $9.99 deal turned into a $80 ordeal. *sigh* But Ryan was a great little model and for a 6 week old, he handled the posing and picture taking like a trooper. We didn't get a real smile that day, but at least in the family picture he has hs mouth open and sort of looks happy. *g*
And yes, I did try to dress us all in a similar manner with demin bottoms, Ryan's brown plaid shirt and tan and yellow tees for Brad and I.
Confessions of a Fan
I'm a Clay Aiken fan, I can admit it. It all started about 4 years ago. I am not a big American Idol fan, and didn't really watch the show. But while flipping channels I came across Clay Aiken singing some song on AI. Each Tuesday I would keep flipping back to AI to hopefully catch him singing and then each Thursday I would google the AI results instead of watching the results show on Wednesday.
By the time it was down to the final four, I started watching whole Tuesday episodes. I enjoyed all four of the contestants left. But I still didn't watch the results show and would just google the results Thursday morning. Until there were two... I even managed to catch the Monday special episode. I watched the Tuesday finale and fell in love immediately with Clay's Idol song "This is the Night"- in fact it remains high on my list of all time favorite Clay songs. I HAD to watch Wednesday night. And with the wonder of satellite, I watched the Wednesday results THREE different times hoping somehow the ending would change.
Since then, I've joined various Clay Aiken message boards, a few I still visit daily- ok hourly *g*. I've made some amazing online friends and have traveled to meet some of said friends. I've been to a handful of his concerts, where I've met even more amazing people. I've filled countless discs with audio, video and pictures of him. Plus, I've had the great pleasure of winning one of his fan clubs meet and greet opportunities at the last concert I was able to attend.
The point of all my Clay Aiken ramblings so far today? Being a Clay Aiken fan has helped me learn more about technology, including blogging. There are some amazingly talented and creative fans out there. So, because I know some people would like to know how, here are the steps to posting a video into your blog.
1. Sign up for a You Tube account ( so you can upload your videos to You Tube.
2. Upload the video to You Tube or select a video you have already on You Tube. (I can blog more on that process as well if needed)
3. Once the video is uploaded, click and highlight the text in the box that says embed.
4. Copy and Paste into your blog using the edit Html tab at the top of your blog composition.
I've followed the same steps to add the following video to my blog. It is a video of Clay Aiken during his current summer concert series that the fans have nicked named the "Soft Rock and a Hard Place" Tour. Clay and his backup singers Angela Fisher and Quiana Parler sing a medley of "Classics" while accompanied by an orchestra in effort to make Clay cool. From Sterling Heights, MI July 23rd. Thanks to Huskerfalcon for videotaping.
It is possible to link a video from photobucket as well as I did in my Boredom is the Mother of Invention blog but I think this way is much better.
I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Water Baby

When his cord stump finally fell off I took the plunge and gave him his first bath. A water baby he was not. He screamed and screamed and screamed the first few times. It was not the relaxing experience I was hoping for to say the least. He slowly got used to the tub however and began to enjoy it and splash around. He was still iffy about going flat onto his back or getting water in his face.

Boredom is the mother of invention
Ryan got into my pantry and found my bag of pop cans to be returned for refund. He took a couple of them out to play with. I think he likes the crinkly sound it makes when he drops it on the floor. So I took the tab off one and let him keep it out to play with. I figured there is no harm in that.
I put a small dish of goldfish on the floor for him to snack on, put him and his pop can in his room with all his toys and put the gate up across his bedroom door. I went and vacuumed the living room, dining room and kitchen. When I came back, my little creative guy had made his own magical musical instrument. (Never mind that he has many rattles already in his toy box in his room!)
IF boredom really is the mother of invention, Ryan and I should be up to something really creative today as Brad has abandoned us and gone to watch a football game in Edmonton with his boss. It is of course Aqua Daze here in Cold Lake, but the weather is overcast with showers and in the high teens. Not the beach weather of last weekend. Maybe Ryan and I will venture out tonight to the fireworks although, we were spoiled when we saw them in Seattle on Ryan's birthday.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Welcome Home ~July 2006~

Thursday, August 2, 2007
I Know What You Did Last Summer