It's Fall! It is one of my favorite times of the year.

Most of last week was one of those glorious weeks where it wasn't too windy, cool or rainy in fall. The leaves were turning but hadn't all fallen yet (when they've fallen and the trees are all bear, I get a little depressed until they are draped in snow). I tok advantage of the weather and the great area we live in and took the boys on a trail walk.

We live close to a corner, in an area that is not finished being developed (or so we think). The house on the right is 5 houses from on on the left and is across the street from the house on the corner across the street from us. This is a zoomed in picture from the top of the hill. The first day we walked this trail I was crazy and pushed the double stroller up. When we went back the next day with my camera in hand, I wore Adam in the pea pod cuddly wrap and Ryan wore his Monkey harness and walked with me.

This is a zoomed out picture from the top of the hill. What a little trooper Ryan was making this hike with me. It was a little steep in places. Along the way we talked about fall. I pointed out the trees and the changing colour leaves. We listened to different nature sounds.

Ryan picked up some rocks at the top of the hill and threw them around. Here he is with one in each hand and I asked him which one was bigger.

I took a picture of Adam and I all snuggled up in the pea pod.

Ryan wanted to "go way Mommy".

When we went that way we found a bird to follow. Poor Ryan, every time he thought he was going to catch the bird, it flew a little further away.

We also found some unpleasantness (well in my mind at least).

It looks like some people (possibly local teens) are using this area as a party area. You can see their makeshift fire pit and there were many broken beer bottles and empty beer cans around and in the tall grass and bush in this area. At least we didn't find any drug paraphenalia out there as well.
It was a fun afternoon, it didn't cost anything, and the fresh air plum tuckered Ryan out. We even had to stop twice on the way back for a little rest.

I think Ryan was watching some ants go marching up the hill.

Learning, and teaching, sometimes it doesn't need any fancy tools or toys and is free as long as you are willing to take the opportunity.
Click here for more Learning for Little Ones. And while you are there, leave her a comment wishing her a Happy Birthday! It's on Saturday and it's a big one)!
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