My mom sent me some great Christmasy stuff. It is fun to get Christmas stuff for my birthday since the holiday season is just right around the corner.

She also sent me a wonderful generations figurine from WillowTree.
Brad and the boys gave me a gift certificate to get my hair done. YAY! It's been a while. I don't even remember when really. Before Adam though. My mom also offered to buy me some hair care products when I go to the salon. That is great because I've been sparingly using the products I have and am almost all out.
Darryl, Amanda and the girls sent me flowers. It is a beautiful arrangement and was very festive for Halloween right away.

It was a great birthday all in all.
Then Friday was Hallowe'en. It is our usual play group day, so I made little treat bags for the kids at playgroup. It was one of the little boy's birthday and so his mom made chocolate cupcakes. Ryan grabbed four right away, took a bite out of each one and then ran off to play. He later came back to sample the fluffy white icing, handfuls at a time, right out of the can. I had a cute little pumpkin costume from Ryan's first hallowe'en that Adam wore.

^Ryan in 2006
At the baby sale last spring, I found a pumpkin costume for Ryan, and then I went out and bought one for myself as well.

^We were a cute pumpkin patch if I do say so myself.
I also had a cute Tigger sleeper for Adam as well.

The boys also had hallowe'een shirts they wore.

I took both boys out trick or treating on Friday. Adam just went along in the stroller looking cute and eventually fell asleep in the fresh air. Ryan did all the houses on our street and about half of the next street. He was cute. Sometimes he would try to say "trick or treat" but mostly he just said "please" or "candy please" or "candy in pumpin(pumpkin) please". Whenever someone said "Happy Hallowe'en" to him, he would respond "Happy Day". He had a little pumpkin basket he carried around, and I would frequently empty it into a canvas bag I had with me on the stroller. By the end of our night the canvas bag was almost full as was his pumpkin. Ryan enjoyed a bag of cheesies at the end of the night while watching cartoons with gran-gran and even shared his cheesies with Adam and Mommy.

The next day we went to a birthday party. It was a firehall themed party to match the birthday boys hallowe'en costume. The guests were invited to dress up in their hallowe'en gear as well. Here are some photos from that day. The birthday boy wouldn't keep his costume on though. He also had some help from his friends opening his presents. And Adam pumpkin taught Pilot-in-training Aiden how to push up off the floor during tummy time.

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