First off, I don't normally get the "great" or "one day only" sales because it always seems by the time I see the flyer, the sale is over or they are all sold out. But something in the stars must have alligned.
I get many of my flyers electronically. I have visited the stores websites and signed up for this and they come straight to my email box. I've done this for two reasons; 1) we only seem to get our local newspaper once every 6 weeks and I keep forgetting to stop by the newspaper office and pick up a copy since mine obviously isn't being delivered,and 2) my father in law takes all the flyers that come in our mail box on Friday and I never get to see them (with the rare exception of when I beat him to the mailbox -which almost never happens!). Anyhow, e-flyers, sounds great right?! Except they come at midnight on the day they are to begin, not really giving much advanced notice.
In this case, the flyer fron Zellers arrived in my inbox just before I shut down my computer for the night. It's not often that I am awake and still on the computer at midnight but I was on this particular night. So when I saw that they were offering two of the different 50th birthday Little People Play sets at 50% off each (farm and school), I knew I wanted to get them for my boys to add to their collection. A quick look at the rest of the flyer and I saw they also had the Noah's Ark Playset on for 50% off as well.
The original farm looked like this:

The 50th birthday farm set looks like this:

I think the boys will enjoy playing with it with the touch and feel farm they already have:

The original school set looked like this:

The 50th birthday school set looks like this:

The Learn About Town that Ryan got for Christmas also has a school. But what I really likes about the Town is that it reminds me of the Sesame Street Playset my cousin Suzanne had when we were little. I LOVED going to her house and playing with since I didn't have it myself. The Learn about Town set:

The Sesame Street Playset from the 70's/80's:

I also really like that the two 50th birthday sets come in a container with a handle similar to an old fashioned lunch box and all the pieces fit inside. I think it would make these sets excellent travel toys. Something to take on long car trips (with an old cookie sheet to lay across your lap and play on), or to take while running errands that involve waits and waiting rooms (the dentist, the doctor, ect).
As for the Noah's Ark Playset, I first saw this at Darryl and Amanada's on our trip to Seattle just before Ryan's first birthday. Kathryn had the ark and many pairs of animals. I fell in love with it. I've been looking for one for Ryan ever since but I've found it to be too pricey and it never seems to come with many animals. I am very pleased with this purchase though. While my ark does not have as many actual animals as Kathryn's had (although I suspect she had extra animal sets purchased to go with), there are quite a few animal sets, some extra animals painted on our animals and our animals are the touchy feely kind. Our ark does not open up the same way as I remember Kathryns did, and it isn't on wheels either. But I am still pleased with the playset and think the boys will have much fun with it.
Our Noah's Ark Play Set:

I plan on giving each boy one of the 50th birthday sets for Easter next week and saving the ark as a birthday gift for Adam next month. ( spent $40 plus tax and saved $40. The time that I think the boys will spend playing with these sets make them a very worthwhile purchase in my mind.
Boo hoo. No one seems to have commented on my Pay it Forward blog. I guess no one wants a handmade/homemade gift/treat from me. I'm still looking for comments on that blog. HINT HINT! LOL!
Very cool! I miss the old school little people stuff. We had gobs of it when I was little and my MIL still has some stuff left over from her kids that my boys LOVE to play with. I'll have to look for those special anniversary sets!
I love Fisher Price, especially all the old school sets. Oh, the memories they bring back!
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