I had wanted to join back in with SMART habit Saturday last week but I just never got around to posting about it. And even now, you can see I am quite tardy. Everything just takes longer with a newborn and all your routines and schedules need adjusting. But in an effort to get back to some sort of normalcy around here, I have decided that my SMAT habit for June is menu planning again. I fell off the wagon with this in the last weeks of my pregnancy and the first couple of weeks after the birth of Adam. Feeling a little overwhlemed once my parents went home and my husband went back to work a very good friend of mine (and a mother of 3) gave me some very good advice; as long as everyone is clean (meaning diapers for the boys), fed and getting some sleep then nothing else matters. Now, the diapers I can handle. Adam is sleeping well for a newborn, Ryan is sleeping ok, but really needs to get back to a more regular schedule and routine and well Brad and I could probably use a little more sleep at night and/or a nap during then day. So in an effort to make sure everyone is fed and not stressing so much about what we are eating and when, it's back to menu planning for me.
Last week I did manage to get my menu up and posted to my blog. How well did I do? Monday we had Pizza (although as a side note..I do NOT like Chicken Club pizza and am not fond of thin crust either!)but on Tuesday we did not have the fajita's. It was 10% off at the grocery store so we went to get groceries. As I mentioned earlier in this post, doing anything with a newborn takes longer than you expect or longer than it used to. I would have loved to have gone in the later morning or even very early afternoon but Ryan was up until 1 in the morning the night before, so well all slept in until almost 10. By the time we got out of the house, stopped to weigh the littest man and got to the mall where our grocery store is located, it was late afternoon. We were all feeling a little snackish so we ate at the food court since going grocery shopping on an empty stomach does not go well. Then we ran into a couple of people we know who hadn't met our newest addition yet, so there was a good hour of visiting in the mall and grocery store which made it so that I didn't even get out to our meat shop until later in the week. So we pushed everything back a day and have stuck to the menu for the rest of the week. I only just noticed that my menu plan for last week does not have Sunday. We could just have the taco salad bowls but we have leftover ingredients from our spinach strawberry salad that need to be used quickly before they spoil and I just don't think they will go well into the taco salad bowls. Since we love chicken in this house, I am thinking maybe bbqing some chicken breasts and veggies and starting with the strawberry spinach salad. And I will move the taco salad bowls to some night next week.
Knowing what I was going to make for dinner each night, and making sure we had all the ingedients when we went shopping on Tuesday made things very nice for me this week. I think it is helping to get our little family back into somewhat of a routine which is great for Ryan. I hope all of you are having a good SMART week too!
To find out more about SMART Habit Saturday or to see what others are being SMART about visit Lara @ The Lazy Organizer.
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