Adam playing peek-a-boo in a tunnel at an indoor play park during our Melanchuk family vacation in June 2009.
Adam feels the Canadian love on Canada Day 2009.Adam moved from a rear facing car seat to a forward facing car seat in the fall.
Adam as Tigger for Halloween 2009.
Adam sporting a Christmas gift from Gran-Gran; Labrador flag hat and sweater
Adam enjoys some trains at the Family Day festivities -February 2010
Adam takes Ryan for a spin on the merry-go-round at Wysuk Park- April 2010
At 2, Adam can now run, jump, and talk almost as well as his older brother. He is now an older brother himself, and it is very easy to forget that he is only 2 and a toddler, not 4 and a pre-schooler like Ryan. Adam is almost as tall as Ryan and weighs almost the same also. Adam had his first haircut in the fall, but we didn't cut his hair very much, just trimmed a couple of stray hairsat the back and around his face and ears.
In addition to moving to a forward facing car seat, Adam now sleeps in a big boy bed in the room he shares with Ryan. He is begining to show signs of possibly wanting to potty train and I am hoping to tackle that this summer. Adam has most of his teeth now and brushes them everynight with a Thomas the train toothbrush just like Ryan.
Here are some pictures from Adam's 2nd birthday festivities. My mom was able to be here with us- which was very nice.
Adam opening his present from the Hayter kids.
Adam enjoys his birthday cupcake at his party
Adam's family party cake.
Ryan and Daddy pose with the birthday boy
Ryan and Gran-Gran pose with the birthday boy at Clarks for a birthday dinner
Adam and Ryan enjoy the Little Tykes Cozy Coupe we bought (2nd hand) for Adam for his birthday while we wait for his bike to arrive.
1 comment:
It's amazing how fast they grow up! I love the suit jacket and hat! What a styling 2-year-old. Thanks for sharing!!
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