On the first, the local breastfeeding support group I belong to, Babies First, went to the "Let's Talk Baby" session at the local health unit. Let's talk baby is a session for moms (and babies) who have a baby under one years old. They cover a new topic each week and Babies First went because it was World Breastfeeding week here in Canada. I wanted to blog about World Breastfeeding Week as well since the theme this year is "mother to mother support" and that is exactly what the Babies First group I belong to is all about. Also, I know from first hand experience that mother to mother support can help you have a more successful breastfeeding experience.
The 2nd of the month was a Thursday and so it was our monthly Babies First meeting. Since we had some new moms come out (we had a couple of under 6 wk old babies join us...how exciting!) Tina asked me to speak about World Breastfeeding week again. We also talked briefly about our playgroup, the upcoming consignment sale and Dr. Jack Newman's visit in November. The 3rd was Friday and that means playgroup morning, but this was also the Friday night set up for the Baby Sale on Saturday. Ryan and I were very lucky that "gran-gran" Melanchuk was able to take a couple of days and come babysit him since babysale days are very long and busy.
I'll blog more about the baby sale in a later post, but over all I think it was pretty successful again. I was worried because there is so much construction going on around the venue, but it didn't seem to deter too many people away. Also while making our phonecalls and emails to consignors, it seemed like perhaps we had lost quite a few to postings and moves this summer but we picked up some new ones and there was still much to be had.
A couple of days to sit back and relax and tackle some household chores that fell to the wayside while we were busy gearing up for the sale. Which brings us to today. It is one of those wet, damp and dreary fall days. It is a perfect day to catch up on some blogging, change over the clothes in the closet from spring/summer to fall/winter (oh I forgot to mention that last week Mother Nature had a memory lapse and sent us some delightful Indian Summer weather with temps around 20 C all week!). I'm also going to make some chocolate chip cookies with Ryan later this afternoon and then we can curl up on the couch with some warm blankets and eat fresh warm cookies and watch some cartoons or build with some blocks.

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