I remember back in the day, before I had children of my own, when I had never even heard of the babysale. Then a friend of mine had a baby. The following year, on her daughter's first birthday and right around the time they moved out of their PMQ and into a house, I remembered she had mentioned she was so busy with the baby sale. She told me about this great event where she could get second hand clothes, toys and such for her daughter at very reasonable prices. And because she volunteered her time on the Friday night and part of Saturday, she was able to get "first dibs" on items as they were unpacking them and putting them out on the tables Friday night while setting up for the sale Saturday. When she moved away, I forgot all about this sale until I was pregnant with Ryan. My pre-natal instructor mentioned it in one of our classes and although we didn't know the sex of our then unborn baby, I went. By the next sale, I was a member of the breastfeeding support group that puts on the sale, and I've never looked back. I'v blogged about the sale before. Two times a year, the sale is part of my life. Last spring's sale was the day after what my doctor wanted to be my elective repeat c-section (and as it turns out, I worked the sale all day and still didn't go into labour until late the next week!)
It is true that the best way to score the good "big" items is to watch diligently as they come in. But I often find I don't have the time for that and am usually off doing other things. My best deals on clothes are found while unpacking and even the next day, late in the sale, as I am tryig to get a jump start on reorganzing. This sale I scored some great deals and as I want to be a more fugal mom, I thought, hey some of these will make great Christmas gifts for my boys! (After all it is new to them!)
First of all, there are the two tubs of large duplo lego that I got. A volunteer had put it aside Friday night and didn't claim it before the end of the sale. We really don't like it when that happens because our consignors deserve the chance to have as much of their items as possible sell. Anyhow, I thought, wow! Ryan would love this and so I added it to my stuff which was being added up at a nearby table. I didn't even take off the tape and lift the lid to make sure it was infact lego. It could have been just about anything. Fortunately when I got home I was pleasantly surprised that it was in fact lego, lots of it, with more character pieces than I was expecting. It is currently hiding in a spare room closet, waiting for Christmas.

Brad also found two Disney DVDs (one of Mickey Mouse cartoons and one of Donald Duck cartoons) that I have yet to check out on our DVD player but the one doesn't looked scratched at all, but one does show a little wear. If they work well, they will also go aside for Christmas. As will the Winnie the Pooh and Tigger rainboots for Ryan.

Both boys need new snowsuits. I consigned the yellow fleece one with the car seat bunting bag that I had with Ryan and the navy and blue down filled one is only the perfect length for Adam now. If he grows at all this winter, it will be too short. So I bought this Winnie the Pooh fleece one. It has attachable booties, a hood but it is missing it's attachable mittens. But mittens I can get. And for $5 I couldn't let it sit there. For Ryan I go a blue one piece that has attachable mittens and booties plus a hood. It also has a fleece scarf and hat, plus the scarf has a pocket for a little teddy bear. This suit still had the tags on it and the person consigning it was asking half of the original price. So I got it.

Adam needs jeans. Before the sale he only had one pair of baby gap and one pair of demin overalls that fit him. Other demin I have are in the 6m+ sizes and too big for him yet. But I was able to find him some jeans and a couple of cute outfits.
These outfits are for now...

These outfits are going away as Christmas gifts for Adam...

Ryan grew so tall this summer that he needs new pants as well. But his waist is still so tiny that I was looking mostly for those adjustable waist pants for him. I also found him a couple of new sweaters that are long enough in the arms, 2 pairs of used robeez for wearing in the house and at playgroup as slippers plus an awesome wetsuit with built in floaties for the pool! I also found some hiking boots that I will use as Winter boots and two new books, one that will be great for taking along to restaurants.

I also found some bigger adjustable waist pants and some other assorted clothes that I am going to put away for Ryan for Christmas as well.

With the deals I was able to score at the baby sale, some items I've already gotten (like from the Anniversary Sale at Walmart and the Olympic Sale with Discovery Toys) I am almost finished my Christmas shopping for the boys! It feels great!