Right now, we are waiting for my lab work and ultrasound in mid to late October to date the pregnancy for sure. But I think I am about 7 weeks along making me due the first week in May. This time is so different, I am exhausted again, but my stomach is so unsettled. I wouldn't call it morning sickness, but it is a definite lack of appetite and general dislike of food in general.
Well, I should go and clean my disaster of a house. I've been too lazy the past few days to do much of anything, so it has all piled up. Maybe now while Ryan is napping, I can get some order back to my kitchen and living room. And it will keep me from sleeping again. Plus it will keep me occupied while I wait for the phone call from my cousin. Her water broke this morning, so I am expecting news of her and her new baby sometime soon!
Just so you know I was obviously showing by 7 weeks with my second pregnancy-TWINS!!! I don't want to scare you but that is what happened to me. I can't wait until you have an u/s and find out how far along you are. I love hearing about everyone's pregnancies. I hope that you get more energy soon!!!
Congratulations!!! This is so exciting! Another cousin for Kathryn and Amelia! Now we're extra looking forward to visiting next summer.
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