No, we don't know the sex of our new baby yet, that would be impossible! My cousin, Suzanne had a bouncing baby boy yesterday. His name is Alexander David James (I don't know what they decided as a last name, hers or his). He is 9 pounds 12 ounces and was delivered via C-section. I know that for her this was not an ideal situation (the c-section) but having been there before, I tried very hard to be real with her about the c-section and recovery without overly scaring her (I hope!).
I wish Suzanne, Denny and Alexander a wonderful new life together and can't wait to see some pictures!
ETA picture of Alexander David James
Which girl in the mirror am I? I feel like the girl on the right but I guess technically I am the girl on the left. At the moment, we are guessing I am about 7 weeks along and so it seems impossible for my little baby belly to be showing already, but I am feeling so much like the girl on the left. Granted, I have not lost all of my baby belly from Ryan but already clothes that fit my post Ryan body are not as comfortable. Right now, we are waiting for my lab work and ultrasound in mid to late October to date the pregnancy for sure. But I think I am about 7 weeks along making me due the first week in May. This time is so different, I am exhausted again, but my stomach is so unsettled. I wouldn't call it morning sickness, but it is a definite lack of appetite and general dislike of food in general.Well, I should go and clean my disaster of a house. I've been too lazy the past few days to do much of anything, so it has all piled up. Maybe now while Ryan is napping, I can get some order back to my kitchen and living room. And it will keep me from sleeping again. Plus it will keep me occupied while I wait for the phone call from my cousin. Her water broke this morning, so I am expecting news of her and her new baby sometime soon!