I also had a birthday sign, balloons, and noise makers.

After playgroup, the boys had their naps and then we played before dinner. At home, we had a quiet bbq dinner and opened some presents and yet more cake- this time a cake in the shape of a number one.

^I was hoping to get video of Adam actually eating the cake, but he took so long exploring it, I ran out of room on my memory stick and he had started eating by the time I switched sticks.

I had a special birthday crown (that I made for Ryan's first birthday- which I kept and pulled out for Adam to use as well as the "I'm 1 today" button) but Adam barely let me get a picture of him in it.

Before we opened presents, we did something Amanda mentioned in her blog on Amelia's first birthday.

^We did it twice because I was afraid he picked only what was closest the first time.
I guess it is a tradition that when the baby celebrates his/her first birthday, you place some objects out in front of them and whatever object the child grabs first is an indication to their future. I guess Adam will take after his father and be into electronics.
Opening presents- of course Ryan had to help!

All in all, I think it was a very successful and fun day!